This was a long jam, believe me..and very colourful at that! Whatever MFM wishes to do, that is to unite people belonging to diverse backgrounds on one simple platform, to create an environment of positivity for people to enjoy and relax, and to provide an outlet for people's creative yearnings..all of that happened. The MFM gang (except Tarun and Chintan) took more or less a backseat after kindling 'the fire of fun and laughter' when people erupted into dances and merry go rounds after the initial playing! Danish, the new guy in the playing gang was there with his friends, and was churning virtuoso leads and riffs! Tarun and Chintan their usual unstoppable selves keeping the dances going till the end! Monika was up and about with her customary energy levels..Vinay with his antics, pearls of wisdom for the people (the meaning in the music my dears!) and his witty compering (thats some skillset and you see we have a fast emerging contender for the COO of MFM..haha!!), Yogi with his smoothness... and Kailash with his gusto on the guitar! Sanjay was jumping about and pumping fun all around (and showing his back once to many to the audience, hehe!) Poonam was there back in the jam as well!
Missed Pulin, Amar, Kaviraj, Gauri, Vijeeth, Meenal (forgive me if I forgot someone..this pea brain is not much good..)
Had some new members show interest in joining and supporting MFM's activities, and they are Naveen (the guy who's helping with the Caravan, who calls himself the 'self appointed manager'!), Aakanksha and Preeti.
And then the jam was choc-a-bloc with variety! We had a guy emulating dogs of movie stars (some creativity!!) and a big Salman Khan fan who was doing everything to please his 'God' and then bouts of Shaayari followed, after non stop dancing and rap-o-manic song singing!
And the meaning and issues went a bit out of the window in this jam, but well, I'd say that happy people are peaceful its OK I guess..!
Here we go with the pics (shot by our out of focus shutterbug Nishant!), lot em today!!:
Papa clap, Mama clap, Beta clap...Clap Clap Clap..a clapping audience is a happy audience and happy people dont pelt you with stones! but note the anti-social (Phbbtt..) 'Gentleman' at extereme left!
Is it the Dominoe band? or the four square Band? Look no less than the Beatles! (forget about the sound!!)
What energy! and exhilaration! This guy got the place into a fun merry go round!
Art, Ladies and gentlemen, has no this guy presented us with the 'attraction of the jam', wherein he enacted the main cahracteristics of famous people in Dog language! you had to be there to see what I mean (very crative..haha!)
Handsome..! this guy is the next Bollywood heartthrob! and a big fan of Salman Khan, presented his versions of dances and what not! ( but oh my lord..he is wearing a T-Shirt!! no then thats not authentic! not done!)
Phbbt..While Chintan Laughs away to Glory!
Missed Pulin, Amar, Kaviraj, Gauri, Vijeeth, Meenal (forgive me if I forgot someone..this pea brain is not much good..)
Had some new members show interest in joining and supporting MFM's activities, and they are Naveen (the guy who's helping with the Caravan, who calls himself the 'self appointed manager'!), Aakanksha and Preeti.
And then the jam was choc-a-bloc with variety! We had a guy emulating dogs of movie stars (some creativity!!) and a big Salman Khan fan who was doing everything to please his 'God' and then bouts of Shaayari followed, after non stop dancing and rap-o-manic song singing!
And the meaning and issues went a bit out of the window in this jam, but well, I'd say that happy people are peaceful its OK I guess..!
Here we go with the pics (shot by our out of focus shutterbug Nishant!), lot em today!!:
When the children sing..then the new world begins.
Some lines from a great white lion single..
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