Sunday, June 8, 2008

Welcome June! The Grand Jam of 1st June 08

So No more visiting! Come Sunday and I get a "We're Jamming" SMS from Tarun (Great coordination!) and I left Borivali to make a halt at Andheri collect a newly bought Guitar (So the guitar has been bought!) (!) and was at Bandstand in time, venturing into the battlefield alone! Got some heart warming welcoming glances from an elderly couple and I was eager to get on! Suddenly find Deepti (great to see her after a long time) zoom in (with her great bubbly energy!) with her mother and we were ready to go! For a change we started with a bit of 'intrumental' playing; the guitar (new) was sounding great and the sound of guitar over the murmur of the sea and drifting in the sweet moist air as always makes me see the beauty of this whole thing about jamming by the sea! OK!

So after that we sing the by now 'standard' opening : 'Write about it' and 'Simple Man'. Then I make some frantic calls so see why no-one's coming (from the gang I mean) and then we jump in to speak about the concept and start playing, Deepti cheering up everybody and the jam catches momentum! We begin and then Gauri floats in and I say oh great! Plenty of participation and some people saying 'sher-o-shayari'; a notable instance when a girl from the audience, not wanting to come down to the stage, opened up to render a song when given so much encouragement from the crowd, It was a very nice incidence in the jam.

Then we sang 'Bandeh' and spoke about reflecting a bit about our habits and the energy footprint and making a bit of effort about carrying that jute bag to the market instead of gathering all those messy plastic bags.
And then all the ganag poured in gradually (mmm..late attendance register! !) Gajendra took over the guitar duties along with Pulin and a friend (oops cant recall his name).

Kekoo came in with Pradeep as well and he was really glad to see the jam in its glory! He joined in and we continued till it was 10!
All in all a great jam and great to see things happening so well, great coordination, though missed Chintan, Monika (who takes over the 'Jam leadership' often..! ) and Aditya's great playing!

So there's music for meaning for us, with its lively spirit, music for particiaption, music for oneness, music for forgiveness, music for tolerance! The jam goes on with forces

Here are some pics Could shoot towards the end of the jam:

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